The Diamond group infrastructure provides an environment where improved quality control is maintained through employee training and motivation to carry out conformity checks.
Part of our strategy has been to create robust procedures with dedicated controls at the point of manufacture. This includes fully dedicated test equipment, extended use of shop floor hard gauging, a well equipped conformance laboratory analytical spectrometer and with components being dimensionally checked . All measuring equipment is calibrated specific to its intended use and traceable to international measurement standards.
In order to offer a flexible and co-operative approach to customer requirements all production is scheduled with a system that allows for interrogation during work in progress.
Our business operating system (BOS) has been designed around meeting compliance standards ISO9001 - 2008,. This provides us with the processes to implement measured improvements across all areas of production.
The secret to achieving zero defects starts with the new product introduction process (NPI). A well thought out process considers both the elements of risk and builds in safeguards so that the risk is eliminated, or at least detected by preventative measures put in place.
The philosophy of social responsibility and commitment to give back to the society underlines the Diamond groups of conducting its businesses for a number of years now.